
We offer collagen induction therapy with Rejuvapen NXT® which is the latest FDA approved micro-needling treatment now enhanced with exosomes. Rejuvapen NXT® stimulates the production of collagen in the skin with fine sterile needles that create small punctures in the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin. The treatment leads to the release of growth factors and stimulates the formation of new collagen, elastin and neovascularization in the dermis.

At a Glance

What a microneedling treatment can do:

• Naturally stimulate collagen and elastin

• Rejuvenate the skin

• Reduce appearance of pores

• Improve appearance of fine lines and wrinkles


Do not use retinoid products for 7 days prior to a microneedling.


45 minutes


You will experience redness, stinging, skin flaking and irritation which begins to subside in hours. The next day you will be pink and may feel like you have a sunburn and tightness. You may experience dryness as you continue to improve.  It is important to apply a high SPF sunscreen to protect your skin.


Your face will be cleansed. A numbing agent will be applied to the treatment area and left on for 30 minutes, then the trained technician will perform the treatment. Microneedling is done once a month for 4 months for maximum benefit.

Learn more about Microneedling

Before & After

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