

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure to address the distortion of the labia and reduction of the labia. A labiaplasty procedure aims to decrease the size of the labia minora (inner tissues of the female genitalia). This procedure involves utilizing several different surgical techniques depending on the patient's specific situation.

At a Glance


• Displeasure with the size and/or shape of their labia major or labia minor

• Discomfort or irritation caused by overly large labia major or labia minor

• Good enough physical and mental health to safely undergo the surgical procedure

• Realistic expectations about labiaplasty and the final results that the procedure will help achieve

• Willingness to closely follow the doctor’s post-surgery recovery instructions including refraining from vaginal intercourse for up to 6 weeks following surgery


Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure to address the distortion of the labia and reduction of the labia


1.5 hours


General anesthesia


Rest the day of surgery, return to light activity within 2 days


You will have several follow-up appointments.  You will have your first post-op visit 5-10 days after surgery for evaluation.  Subsequent appointments are scheduled for one or two weeks later as needed.  Light activity first 24-48 hours with no restrictions after 12 weeks.

Procedure Planning

A pre-surgical visit with Dr. Wages will be scheduled 2 weeks before surgery to review the procedure, complete all paperwork, and get you ready for your surgery which will be performed on an outpatient basis. If you smoke it is important to quit as smoking affects the healing process. 


You will be guided from initial contact by our team with specific information about your procedure.  When we will schedule a consultation, you will be sent information to read before you meet Dr. Wages. Your consultation includes a comprehensive, thorough examination with bio-dimensional measurements, and a review of the procedure and recovery.  We work with you in a team approach to help you achieve your desired outcome. 


Take it easy the first 24 hours after surgery. You will be given specific post-operative instructions by Dr. Wages to follow to ensure a safe and speedy recovery. Immediately after surgery your healing begins, and in the days and weeks to follow your will see your results emerge. You can expect continuous improvement with your full healing in 3-6 months.     


Real Patients. Real Results.

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